Friday, February 20, 2009

I need to make healthier food choices. This sinus infection is because of all the dairy I've been eating lately, and although I know dairy does this, it tastes so good and is so addicting I can't help but eat it. It's got to stop.

And my blood pressure is going up again from all the meat and salt I've been using. Again, I know these things affect me this way, so why did "God lead me" to these foods? Is it as I wrote in an earlier post, that my God is the mean and vindictive one? Must be.

I'm taking back my will and going back on a mostly McDougall food plan. If I keep eating the "God directed way" I'll die of a heart attack before Easter.

The Thin Within book calls this decision "Phase 2." I call it a return to sanity, that it wasn't God but the devil that drove me away from my former healthy eating habits and into the world of unhealthy meats and fatty foods again.

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