Thursday, November 17, 2011

What? The Doctor Doesn't Like the Results?

Ah, the "childhood obesity" and "obese baby" epidemic. The parents are probably following the advice given to them by the mass media to prevent OGGABOOGA DEATHFATZ!! in their baby and some sane person in the doctor's office finally pointed out that the baby is looking a bit too thin and he figured be better cover his ass and say he told them to feed her more.

I feel for the parents. They're damned, and probably threatened by CPS with child abuse, if they feed her normally and she gains a lot, damned - and arrested - when they don't and she remains thin.

Appleton couple charged with neglect
11:19 PM, Nov. 12, 201

APPLETON — An Appleton couple have been charged with felony child neglect for withholding food from their 14-month-old daughter against the repeated advice of doctors.

A criminal complaint alleges that Christopher and Mary Sultze of Appleton failed to heed advice from several medical professionals that their daughter needed to be fed more food due to concerns with her low weight and failure to thrive during regular well baby visits and special checkups.

A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Wednesday before Outagamie County Judge Dee Dyer for Mary Sultze, who remains in jail under a $10,000 cash bond.

Christopher Sultze was released from jail Thursday after posting $10,000 cash bond. A preliminary hearing has yet to be scheduled in his case.

Both parents resisted doctors' advice to give the child more than they were providing to her and became irritated at times and upset with recommendations to provide her with more calories, the complaint said.

An Outagamie County child protective services intake investigator was contacted Sept. 9 when the girl, who had been born at 8 pounds, 2.8 ounces, on July 9, 2010, had gained less than 3 pounds at age 14 months when she weighed 10 pounds, 14 ounces.

Christopher Sultze said the family follows a very low cholesterol diet and told a doctor that he "doesn't want to have obese children."

On Aug. 24, 2011, he told staff at Children's Hospital of the Fox Valley, Neenah, that doctors were forcing his daughter to drink more milk and eat more food "just trying to stretch her stomach." She had gained 10 ounces during a 20-hour stay in the hospital where she was fed about 1,000 calories as recommended by a dietician for her age.

Dr. Mary Bartel told police that she believes the child was not gaining weight because she was not getting enough calories at home. She said both parents kept insisting that the child was going to "get fat" while she was in the hospital and Christopher Sultze was upset over what he considered overfeeding of his daughter.

Bartel described the child as being cachetic, which she said means her muscle mass was being consumed by her body. The doctor added that the child was "essentially starving" and had "no subcutaneous fat on her."

I particularly love this part:
"she was fed about 1,000 calories as recommended by a dietician for her age."

So, a newborn to 14 month old baby is supposed to have 1000 calories? So why is that also the number my doctor tells me *I* should be eating at age 58? Under 1000 is starving the child, causing harm. Hmmm.

Another article about this has this paragraph:

"What we believe we'll be able to show in trial is evidence that Ms. Sultze and her husband intentionally withheld food from their young child starting, really shortly after she was born," said Outagamie County Assistant District Attorney Andrew Maier."

Gee, too bad the doctor who delivered me is no longer alive. Those were his exact orders to the nurses at the hospital and to my parents when I was born. They were ordered to dilute my formula in half because I was too fat as a newborn. I was born at 7 pounds, weighed 10 the next morning, so he immediately gave the order to starve me. Didn't do anything but slow my metabolic rate down to a crawl before I was even a week old, dooming me to a life of being fat and unable to lose weight at even the lowest starvation level of calories. Thanks, Doc.


Hey! This Is What *I* Had!!

Women more likely to have 'broken heart syndrome'


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A woman's heart breaks more easily than a man's.
Females are seven to nine times more likely to suffer "broken heart syndrome," when sudden or prolonged stress like an emotional breakup or death causes overwhelming heart failure or heart attack-like symptoms, the first nationwide study of this finds. Usually patients recover with no lasting damage.

The classic case is "a woman who has just lost her husband," said Dr. Mariell Jessup, a University of Pennsylvania heart failure specialist who has treated many such cases.

Cyndy Bizon feared that was happening when her husband, Joel, suffered a massive heart attack in 2005. "May God work through your hands," the Maine woman told the surgeon as her husband was wheeled past her into the operating room. She later collapsed at a nurse's station from "broken heart syndrome" and wound up in coronary care with him. Both survived.

Japanese doctors first recognized this syndrome around 1990 and named it Takotsubo cardiomyopathy; tako tsubo are octopus traps that resemble the unusual pot-like shape of the stricken heart.

It happens when a big shock, even a good one like winning the lottery, triggers a rush of adrenaline and other stress hormones that cause the heart's main pumping chamber to balloon suddenly and not work right. Tests show dramatic changes in rhythm and blood substances typical of a heart attack, but no artery blockages that typically cause one. Most victims recover within weeks, but in rare cases it proves fatal.

Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh of the University of Arkansas had treated some of these cases.

"I was very curious why only women were having this," he said, so he did the first large study of the problem and reported results Wednesday at an American Heart Association conference in Florida.

Using a federal database with about 1,000 hospitals, Deshmukh found 6,229 cases in 2007. Only 671 involved men. After adjusting for high blood pressure, smoking and other factors that can affect heart problems, women seemed 7.5 times more likely to suffer the syndrome than men.

It was three times more common in women over 55 than in younger women. And women younger than 55 were 9.5 times more likely to suffer it than men of that age.

No one knows why, said Dr. Abhiram Prasad, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist who presented other research on this syndrome at the conference.

"It's the only cardiac condition where there's such a female preponderance," he said.

One theory is that hormones play a role. Another is that men have more adrenaline receptors on cells in their hearts than women do, "so maybe men are able to handle stress better" and the chemical surge it releases, Deshmukh said.

Bizon was 57 when her attack occurred; she's now 63. She and her husband are pharmacists and live in Scarborough, Maine.

"I remember grabbing the counter and a black curtain coming down before my eyes," she said in a telephone interview. Her attack was so severe that she went into full cardiac arrest and had to have her heart shocked back into a normal rhythm. Although most such attacks resolve without permanent damage, she later needed to have a defibrillator implanted.

About 1 percent of such cases prove fatal, the new study shows.

"In the old days, we'd say someone was scared to death," said Prasad.
About 10 percent of victims will have a second episode sometime in their lives. And although heart attacks happen more in winter, broken heart syndrome is more common in summer.

I Miss Richard Simmons

 The voice, the hair, the outfits, that laugh - I miss every single thing about that glitzy, ditsy, outrageous person. Oh, yes, his workouts...