Friday, December 28, 2007

The Extermination of Fat People

It's got to be done. Weight-loss, that is. Hospitals & doctors are refusing surgery to people because they're merely overweight; life-saving organ transplants refused until BMI's are brought down under 35 - an impossible task for people on dialysis with kidney failure or full of fluid because of heart and/or lung failure; refused joint replacements if BMI is over 30!! To think that I might be refused to be allowed to live until my weight is down to 170, a level I haven't seen in over 40 years, or even lower!!!

So what can I do?

Well, I already know I have to eat under 1000 calories a day if I want to loose even 1 pound a week, so I guess I'm going to have to stop eating full meals and just eat a 200 calorie "meal" every few hours. To prevent the nutritional deficiencies that will certainly occur by depriving this body of food I'm going to have to invest in some super-duper multi-vitamin and minerals, too. And why not an occasional trip to the hospital for some IV fluids now and then?

Forget exercise - my blood sugar will be so low, my bones so brittle, that anything I try to do will only harm me, if I even had the strength to do an exercise video or hop on the treadmill.

And I'll no longer be a good wife or mother, as I'll have no strength to care for this apartment or do any basic cooking or cleaning - I'm already weak and fatigued due to my 25 years history of CFS and now the still un-treated hypothyroidism. Sooner or later the doc will get the dosage right, but in the meantime being deficient is harming my metabolism a bit more each day so it'll never be considered normal. A slow metabolism isn't going to lead to any great amounts of weight loss, so I'll most likely have to eat even less way than the 1000 calories I needed to lose weight as an active pre-teen, over 40 years ago.

So I'll be obsessing even more about food in the future. Oh, joy.

But I really should have a more positive attitude about this. So what if I won't be able to eat again for the rest of my life. Food - and living - is highly over rated, don'cha think?

Nah! Did you (or *I*) really think that was gonna happen, that I would cut back my already trimmed-down list of allowable foods, the ones on the McDougall Plan for something less? Sure, I can go back to eating meat and dairy and count every quarter teaspoon that I use and maybe lose a pound or so a month. Then I would be feeling like I predicted above. Or I can just continue to eat healthy low fat vegan foods and let my lab work and blood pressure show the results better than the scale could.

Yeah, I think that's what's gonna happen instead.

I Miss Richard Simmons

 The voice, the hair, the outfits, that laugh - I miss every single thing about that glitzy, ditsy, outrageous person. Oh, yes, his workouts...