Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Chef and the Dietician Videos

Chef AJ, as she's known as, has been one of Dr. McDougall's "Celebrity Chefs" for a little while now, and besides working on her own cookbook she's now posting videos of various foods. Unfortunately, all of them, so far, have on the richer side of the caloric density chart, so those of us with weight to lose really aren't supposed to even think about eating them.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sorry for Posting Delay

Haven't been posting about my weight loss because there really hasn't been any.

Yes, I'm still following the , and when I had lab work in June my lipids were wonderful - total cholesterol under 150, triglycerides was almost normal at 164, but my TSH was doubled what it was back in March. Because of that my doc took me off the Armour thyroid and back onto Synthroid and increased the dose by half.

It really hasn't helped, as my weight is still yo-yoing back and forth the same five pounds it has since March. I even tried cutting way back on calories, dipping under 1000 many days, with no change.

I can't really increase my exercise or else I injure myself. Since that post about the chest muscle I've been back to the doc for a back injury and yes, did something to that chest muscle again. I can't work longer, either, as my podiatrist is already having fits at the state of my feet just doing the walking I'm already doing.

You would think with 130 excess pounds to lose that a combination hour of cardio and calories as low as 800 per day the weight would melt off, but it doesn't. So frustrating!

One good thing has happened since the last posts - we got ourselves a new computer.
Dell Studio XPSFinally. We're keeping our old 1998 Gateway also. In fact, it's sitting right here, side by side to this new Dell. When I use one I move the keyboard for the other over to the side. I'm slowly transferring data files over, re-installing/upgrading old software, learning Windows 7 and finding out there are a lot of things I don't need to install because they're included with the OS. Cool!

We already crashed it once - Blue Screen of Death after being plugged in only 3 hours. My BP meter also gave me a blue screen of death when my pressure went up to over 200/100 right after that. It took about 3 days before the pressure went back to normal and chest tightness stopped. Was it cardiac or asthma related? Who knows. Even if I did go to the doc he would basically tell me to calm down, walk it off.

For September:
Super strict with the food. Tiny portions on ONLY MWLP approved foods, so no bread or pasta, no tofu, no dried fruit or juices, only 2 servings of fruit total per day. Much smaller portions. I know Dr. McDougall doesn't agree with portion control in most of his lectures and newsletter articles, but back in November 2005 he did say that volume eaters, people like me, NEED a restricted portion/calorie food plan in order to lose weight. He praises the Rice Diet. I tried it - I starved. Come on - only 800 calories a day?? WAY too low for humans!

The Rice Diet, like the McDougall Program, has changed throughout the years. Just 2 weeks ago another new version was released, along with a new book, Rice Diet Renewal Rice Diet Renewal. They even revamped the web site to go along with it, although many things are missing and a lot of links still don't work. I'm debating whether or not to buy it, but after reading what I did in the preview on the publisher's web site, I probably won't. It looks like most of the book is testimonials of people who lost weight while at the Rice House, the people who lived on 800 calories a day while living in Durham and attending mandatory sessions at the House and getting in mandatory hours of exercise a day. I've read too many other testimonials from people who regained every single pound within 2 years of leaving the Rice House. It's easy to lose weight while institutionalized and being handed all your meals and forced to see the doctor or nurse on a daily basis, much harder in real life. As I said many times before, everybody can lose weight as long as they stay on a restricted food plan. But who can stay on one for the rest of their life?

Better get moving - I need to install MIRC and hit an OA on-line meeting. I haven't been to one since we got the new computer.

I Miss Richard Simmons

 The voice, the hair, the outfits, that laugh - I miss every single thing about that glitzy, ditsy, outrageous person. Oh, yes, his workouts...