Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Reason Not to Even TRY to Lose Weight

I never heard of Dr. Sharma or his blog before today, but what he writes here makes perfect sense and goes along with my declaration earlier today that I'm no longer even going to try lose weight. He's talking about a lecture he had attended.

Here's the blog post, and here is an excerpt from it:

One of the key underlying problems is that when people lose weight, their energy expenditure does not simply fall to that of the energy expenditure of a person ‘naturally’ at that lower weight - it drops to levels far greater than expected.

Thus, a formerly-obese person burns 20% less calories than a never-obese person of that lower weight - or in other words a 200 lb person, who loses 40 lbs burns about 20% fewer calories than someone who is 160 lbs, but has never been obese. On top of this, the formerly-obese person experiences hunger, cold intolerance, and other behavioural and metabolic changes that make sustaining this lower body weight difficult.

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