Nearly one third of American babies are too chubby: study
Originally Published:Monday, January 3rd 2011, 1:43 PM
Updated: Monday, January 3rd 2011, 4:11 PM
Chubby grownups aren’t the only ones tipping the scales at an unhealthy weight.
Nearly a third of American babies are too fat, according to a new study reported on Some 32% of 9 month olds in the study were deemed overweight, and by the age of 2, the number had grown to 34%.
“It definitely raised eyebrows when we saw how early it was showing up,” Wayne State University adjunct professor Brian Moss, author of new research in the American Journal of Health Promotion, told
In babies under age 2, overweight is typically defined as a weight in the 85th to 95th percentile, explains Sessions. Babies who are above the 95th percentile are considered obese.
While a 9-month-old chub may not face imminent health problems, if he carries the extra weight into adulthood, he faces a higher risk of diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, Sessions explains.
Overweight children also tend to snore more than kids of average weight, she notes, and may have sleep apnea, which can contribute to poor performance in school. "They may also face teasing from their peers," Sessions says.
Parents of chubby babies should look at their own diets, advises Dr. Jessica Sessions, director of pediatrics at the William F. Ryan Community Health Center. “We tend to give our kids what’s on our table,” she says. If the parents have a weight problem, that doesn’t bode well for the baby, she notes. “When both parents or even one is obese, that chubby baby probably is not going to thin out,” she says.
Interestingly, a high birth weight did not predict with accuracy whether a baby would grow up to be overweight or obese, according to the study, which focused on children born in 2001. Some very large babies thin out, but tiny newborns can become overweight, in some cases because parents offer them too much or the wrong kind of food.
Fruit juice is often implicated in the development of overweight babies, experts say. “If your baby is chubby and is drinking 18 ounces of fruit juice a day, it’s time to stay away from the fruit juice,” says Dr. Stephen Turner, chairman of pediatrics at Long Island College Hospital.
White flour and French fries are also to blame for the high rate of obesity in kids, says pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, author of “Feeding Baby Green.”
“The third most common vegetable that a 9 month old gets is French fries,” Greene says. “By 18 months old, French fries are the number one vegetable for kids. “
And, he adds, “Babies get more calories from white flour than from any other solid food.” White flour, Greene says, is linked both to obesity and diabetes. “The body handles it like a spoonful of sugar,” he explains. “Switching to whole grains doesn’t cost any more, and if you do so when your baby is young, it’s a really easy switch.”
Parents should keep their baby’s weight in perspective, too. “”Don’t take their weight out of context with their length,” advises Dr. Henry Bernstein, chief of general pediatrics at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York. If your baby’s weight is in the 95th percentile and the height is in the 25th percentile, “Look at the quality of what he is eating,” Bernstein advises.
And keep in mind that many kids will slim down naturally. “Between 9 months and 2 years, a lot of babies thin out as they start to walk and are less interested in eating,” Turner says. “If you’re feeding your child healthy foods, I wouldn’t worry. But they should not be eating high fat fast food.”
* * * * *Back in the early 1950's when I was born they went through this foolishness, too. My doctor had the hospital's newborn nursery staff water down my formula because I was too chubby at the ripe old age of 24 hours. I was kept on 1000 calorie diets all through my toddlerhood, young childhood, teen years, and young adulthood. Even now my doc keeps advising I go on 1000 calories. Guess what? I'm still fat! Most of my family of origin are fat - both sides.
My brothers and cousins are scattered all around the world, brought up on different foods, in different economic groups, different weight loss diets. Some of us are fat, have been since childhood, and of the fat group, most of us (not all) had been on restricted calories since early childhood. Some are thin and were since childhood, put on extra calorie food plans by their doctors. Some of the fat ones are the most active and healthy, including eating the healthiest diets (such as low fat vegan, whole grain, or the rich cousin who dines on gourmet foods); some of the thin ones never get off the couch and live on fast food hamburgers and shakes.
It's genetics, docs!!!!!
PLEASE don't recommend parents start starving their 9 month old babies in the name of "health"! Look at all the dead babies the past 5 years, starved to death by parents who were afraid their baby was getting too fat. This number will only increase if society keeps this hatred of fat people up. It's going to be Hitler and eugenics all over again.
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