Wednesday, November 05, 2008


When will I ever learn?

Will I ever get back to 100% compliance to the McDougall Plan?

There has been so much stress going on in my (our) life (lives) right now, and I'm (we're) such an emotional eater, that I usually go off plan before breakfast is even over. For example:
On Plan - Scrambled Tofu with loads of veggies cooked in a non-stick pan
Off Plan - Scrambled eggs (2) fried in a bit of butter and served on a white-flour roll with a slice of cheese on top

On Plan - oatmeal and raisins with natural (no sugar) applesauce and a pinch of cinnamon
Off Plan - oatmeal & raisins & peanut butter & chocolate chips

On Plan - no-fat added bean burrito
Off Plan - cold pizza with extra cheese & meat

You know the old 12-Step Program slogan, "Each Day A New Beginning?" Today is yet another new beginning. At least I had the on-plan version of oatmeal already, lunch will be a salad with garbanzo beans, and dinner will be rice and veggies and a vegetable soup.

I Miss Richard Simmons

 The voice, the hair, the outfits, that laugh - I miss every single thing about that glitzy, ditsy, outrageous person. Oh, yes, his workouts...