Friday, September 05, 2008

Mindful Movements

The trek for weight loss continues. During two weeks in August I didn't follow my regular food plan because of too many stressful things happening. Then the weekend after vacation I practically starved myself just so I would be a few pounds lighter on the doctor's scale the following Monday morning. Well, that worked, but as of this morning all the weight I lost is now back on.

Most mornings I was still getting in my daily hour of exercise. I would start off with the workout from the Mindful Movements book
you can see them here) following along with the DVD that came with it:

and in the afternoons do a half hour on the treadmill. While the meals may not have been vegetarian, they were always low-cal.

I was thinking of just sticking to a calorie-counted food plan and going back to eating some meats and dairy, but then my husband had a minor medical problem, and with it came the reminder to him that his last set of lab work 10 years ago showed extremely high cholesterol and triglycerides, both of which might be contributing to his current problem. Last week he had the bloodwork repeated and next week e go for the results. In the meantime, he decided he's now going to follow in my footsteps and stick to the McDougall food plan 100%. Well, I told him he can do that after we finish up the non-McD foods in the house, like all the meat in the freezer for meals he requested and decide whether we should throw away or he'll eat all the potato chips and cookies he purchased that nobody in the house eats.

It was nice eating meat again, but I can tell my body really prefers the vegan low fat foods. My hypoglycemia has been acting up, my morning fasting blood sugars have been too low for comfort, I'm sluggish, even though my TSH is now within the normal guidelines (The new ones, too, not the outdated ones the lab had on their print-outs), my sinus have been clogged and I'm coughing from the dairy, and my weird heart arrythmia started up again.

It'll be good to get back on plan, and very nice to have my husband 100% behind me now.

I tried. LiveJournal made some changes recently and things were going super slow over there, making it a bit frustrating to write a post, but over here things are so discombobulated and confusing it's not worth changing it to my main blog. I guess it's time to look into something different, like WordPress.

I Miss Richard Simmons

 The voice, the hair, the outfits, that laugh - I miss every single thing about that glitzy, ditsy, outrageous person. Oh, yes, his workouts...